Yet another astrophotography site!

Does the world need another blog on astroimaging? Well maybe not or maybe yes. Astroimager have a lot of issues they strive to improve in their hobby. Those issues mostly came from the variety of equipment and imaging target. But also of unique constrains like location, time and money. The combinations of all this factors gratly […]

Does the world need another blog on astroimaging? Well maybe not or maybe yes. Astroimager have a lot of issues they strive to improve in their hobby. Those issues mostly came from the variety of equipment and imaging target. But also of unique constrains like location, time and money. The combinations of all this factors gratly outnumber the existing astroimagers and maybe the galaxy of our universe.

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So most of us are in costant search for solutions to their unique needs. This blog will present the combinations I have experieced and, maybe there cud be some ideas, solution or thing to avoid that coud help someone else.

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